Alan Duric
He co-founded Telio Holding ASA (formerly Telio Telecom AS, Oslo stock Exchange: TELIO) in 2004 and served as its Chief Technology Officer. Alan is an early pioneer of VoIP with over a 12 years of active contribution in multi modal communications, through his software development and standardization work (as a co-author and/or contributor to number of IETF, ETSI and ITU standards). As a developer and senior systems architect at Ericsson, he took part in the early deployment and development of the world’s largest VoIP networks such as deltathree. At Global IP Sound (creators of Skype´s audio), Alan was Senior Systems Architect, where he steered standardization efforts and was responsible for iLBC (internet Low Bitrate Codec), an IETF and CableLabs standard codec for VoIP. Alan is also Co-founder of Sonorit/Camino networks and was Director of its Board of Directors from its inception until it was acquired by eBay/Skype. Currently serves as Director of BoD and is an advisor to a number of industry companies and financial institutions in M&A processes.
Alexandr Dubovikov
He is employed as Senior Voice Engineer for QSC AG, one of the major German voice and data providers. Alexandr holds a diploma in physics of Odessa State University. He has 20 years of experience in telecommunication techniques and has contributed to many OpenSource projects like FeeeSwitch, SER, Kamailio, SEMS, Asterisk, SIPP, Wireshark. Alexandr is the main developer of Homer SIP Capture project. He is also founder of IRC RusNet Network, one of the biggest national IRC networks in the world.
Alex Balashov
He is principal of Evariste Systems, an Atlanta-based consultancy specializing in open-source focused SIP service delivery solutions for wholesale and retail ITSPs and competitive carriers (CLECs). Alex is a member of Kamailio project management board, involved in application development and community engagement.
Andreas Granig
He holds a degree in IT/IT-Marketing from University of Applied Sciences in Graz, Austria. He is involved in VoIP development since 2000 and later co-founded Sipwise, a company dedicated to provide highly available and scalable SIP soft-switch appliances based on open-source building blocks like Kamailio and SEMS for medium to large-size ISPs/ITSPs. A well know product released by Sipwise is the SIP:Provider IP telephony platform. Andreas is member of management board of Kamailio project.
Anton Roman Portabales
He holds a degree in Telecommunication Engineering (University of Vigo) and finished the pre-PhD program in Telematics Engineering (University of Vigo). He started in VoIP In 2006 as developer for the Motorola IMS development group in Madrid. In 2008 joined Quobis as VoIP engineer. Quobis is a privately-held Spanish company founded in 2006 dedicated to developing products and consulting services, based on open standards, in emerging unified communication technologies. Since 2011 he is the CTO of the company and actively participating in the expansion strategy to introduce Quobis products and services in emerging markets
Carlos Ruiz Diaz
He has more than 4 years of experience in telecommunications and IMS-related topics, working within the telecom industry in South America. Carlos is one of the registered contributors of Kamailio project, developing its prepaid module and enhancing many of the IMS extensions. He has engineer degree from the University of Asuncion, Paraguay. Carlos won the JIT-Cita 11 award in 2011 for his project “Realtime billing and credit monitoring using Asterisk”.
Carsten Bock
He is a member of the development and management teams of Kamailio project and founder of “ng-voice GmbH“, a company with focus on providing consulting services about Voice, IMS and Open-Source. Previously, he was working for Telefonica Germany in Verl & Hamburg on the deployment and operation of the new IMS-platform at Telefonica. He was among the leading technologists to develop and provide the first IP telephony solution as a real analog line replacement for Telefonica/O2 in Germany. Carsten has a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from the University of Applied Sciences of Hamburg, Germany.
Dan Christian Bogos
He is the founder of ITsysCOM, experienced communications architect and VoIP specialist. Dan is a double graduate of Politechnica University, Timisoara, with post-graduate specialization in Communication Protocols and Software Development. For the past couple of years, he has focused mainly on Cloud Computing Technologies interoperability, subject of his PhD thesis research. A frequent and well-known contributor to the Open Source community, most noticeably being the co-founder of CGRateS Project, Dan is a firm believer in merging the very best production-ready software to create high-quality, scalable and cost-effective communications solutions.
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
He co-founded Kamailio in June 2005, aiming to build a solid SIP server project where openness to community and contributions has an important role, previously being core developer of SIP Express Router (SER) from its early beginning in 2002. He has a Master degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Polytechnics University of Bucharest. His experience was accumulated working as consultant for Orange Romania, branch of French Orange mobile operator, and researcher in network communications at Fraunhofer Fokus Institute, Berlin, Germany.
His activity is done at Asipto, a company targeting to offer and build reliable services and solutions that benefit at maximum from Kamailio’s flexibility and features, sharing knowledge and expertise via professional trainings and consultancy. Daniel is leading the development of the Kamailio project and he is member of its management board. |
Dragos Vingarzan
He is a founder of Core Network Dynamics and the Chief of Engineering. Dragos is the software architect and developer behind the original OpenEPC as well as its hardened OpenEPC++ version, implementing the core platform as well as major functional elements. In the past he has been setting the foundation stones of today’s NGNs, by his activities in the telecom industry turning to all-IP concepts, being also the mastermind behind the Open Source IMS Core project. Today Dragos is splitting his time between bringing OpenEPC out from test-bed environments into the real-world highly customized telecom deployments and leading a group of 20+ researchers at Fraunhofer FOKUS into prototype the next upcoming Open5GCore project.
Elena-Ramona Modroiu
She is a co-founder of Kamailio project, being also member of its management board. Her involvement in VoIP started by joining SER (SIP Express Router) in the spring of 2003, just after several months since the project was publicly released. She became one of the most active contributors, with key modules like avpops, diameter support, pdt, speeddial, uac, xlog. Elana-Ramona has a Master degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Polytechnics University of Bucharest, Romania, completing the studies at Politechnics University of Valencia, Spain, and Fraunhofer Fokus Institute, Berlin, Germany.
Nowadays she works as VoIP and Kamailio consultant at ASIPTO, focusing on innovative solutions and integration of SIP and VoIP with web2.0. She manages Siremis Project – an open source web admin application for Kamailio – and has authored many tutorials about the Kamailio project, including Devel Guide, Pseudo-Variables Cookbook or Radius Integration. |
Emil Ivov
He is the founder and current lead of the Jitsi project, a cross platform open source rich communication softphone (voice, video, instant messaging, presence, etc.). He is also involved with other initiatives like the, libjitsi and JSIP projects, and contributes to IETF working groups like MMUSIC, AVTEXT and RTCWEB. Emil obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Strasbourg in early 2008, and has been focusing primarily on Jitsi activities ever since.
Henning Westerholt
He is one of the core developers of the Kamailio project and member of its management board. Henning is responsible at 1&1 Internet AG for the operation of their Voice over IP and DSL platform. This includes the maintenance and deploying of extensions of the Kamailio, Radius, ACS and order middleware systems of 1&1. He is in charge with one of the biggest VoIP deployments out there, using Kamailio (OpenSER) as core routing system: over 3 000 000 subscribers, over 7 000 000 phone numbers and more than 1 500 000 000 routed minutes per month.
Henning is a long term Linux user and contributer to several Open Source projects, participating to world wide events, presenting about Kamailio and open source. He holds a master degree in applied computer science from the University of Siegen. |
Giacomo Vacca
He is Senior Network Applications Developer at Truphone, a world wide mobile operator. In 2000, Giacomo graduated in Electronic Engineering at University of Cagliari, Italy and since 2001 he has been working with VoIP and related technologies, moving from proprietary solutions, to SER, openSER and then Kamailio. In 2008 Giacomo joins Truphone and in 2012 its R&D department, Truphone Labs.
James Body
He is the Head of Research and Development at Truphone, being nominated in 2007 among the top 20 Influencers in VoIP by VoIP news. James is well known a source of new, disruptive and innovative thinking is the telecomms space. Luckily, he managed to put these and a number of other disruptive skills to good use as a Regular officer in the British Army. Following 20 years service in the British Army, where he graduated with degrees in Electronic Engineering and Design of Information Systems, he became involved in the pioneering of UK based VoIP, setting up SIPCall and Gossiptel, leading UK SIP<>PSTN services. A founding member of the UK Internet Telephony Providers Association, he has consistently been involved with getting things done at the cutting edge of the European VoIP community. As Research Director at Truphone, he is responsible for new and exciting technologies, ranging from the handset back into the PSTN. An enthusiastic supporter of Open Source software, he sponsors the development and rapid deployment of some of the leading telecommunications applications.
Karl Anderson
He is CTO and chief architect at 2600hz, an engineering company specializing in massively scalable open source telecom solutions for carriers and the enterprise. As core design engineer, he led the design and engineering of Kazoo Platform which is mainly written in Erlang, blending two well known open source Telephony engines: Kamailio and FreeSwitch. Karl’s over 12 years of experience in electrical engineering and computer science include developing an entire hosted carrier network from the ground up, managing a large fiber backbone, and leading several successful design teams. In short, he is the jack-of-all-trades for all things VoIP. A robotics fanatic and a lover of all things technical, he enjoys building gadgets, taking things apart, and fiddling with expensive equipment.
Krischan Udelhoven
He is a software developer and VoIP engineer at sipgate GmbH, one of the largest VoIP providers in Europe. Krischan graduated with a Master’s Degree in Computer Science from the University of Bonn, Germany in October 2012. During his studies he was part of the Text Mining Group at Fraunhofer IAIS, Sankt Augustin, Germany.
Matt Jordan
He is an Engineering Manager for the Open Source Software team at Digium, working on Asterisk. Matt joined the team in 2011, and since then has been involved in the development of both Asterisk and the Asterisk Test Suite. His background in software development can best be described as “eclectic”, having worked in a variety of industries. Uniting the various experiences, however, is a firm belief in good software development practices and methodologies and the effect they have on producing quality software (and keeping software developers from going insane).
Nir Simionovich
He is the founder of GreenfieldTech, a company with focus on open source telephony. As an open source integration expert and evangelist, Nir Simionovich has delivered memorable conference speeches and participated in panels in many parts of the world. These include North America, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, the Far East, Africa and, of course, Israel – where Nir is Based. He is a professional Asterisk application and platforms developer with a flare for platform development in various fields. He is also an established author, having written two books about Asterisk.
Olle E. Johansson
He is the CEO Edvina AB, Sweden and has more than 25 years of experience in the Unix and networking business, with ten years of VoIP experience. He is an Asterisk and Kamailio developer, trainer and consultant. The focus is on building large scale customized platforms for carriers, call centers and enterprises. Olle is also an advisor to many startups. After 25 years with IPv4 networking, he is also a strong advocate of IPv6 migration, being an active member and contributor to SIP Forum and IETF.
Peter Dunkley
He is Technical Director at Acision. He graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 2000 with a BSc (Hons) in Computer Science. After graduation Peter worked on a PSTN switch developing signalling stacks for SS7, ISDN and similar protocols and creating advanced routing and service applications. Since 2005 he has worked mainly with SIP first leading a team developing a PSTN gateway and then managing the development of a SIP Application Server. Peter joined Crocodile RCS in September 2010 and has made numerous contributions to the Kamailio open source SIP Router project (particularly in the areas of presence, WebSocket, MSRP, and SIP Outbound) since then. Peter is one of the authors of the MSRP over WebSocket draft (draft-pd-dispatch-msrp-websocket) and is a contributor to several open-source projects.
Randy Resnick
He is the producer of VoIP Users Conference (aka VUC). VUC is a weekly live discussion about VoIP, SIP and all kinds of telephony-related topics. The conference has been running for nearly six years, happening every Friday at 12:00 noon US Eastern Time. Many Kamailio developers are frequent participants at VUC, several of them were invited guests in the past, presenting the project and typical use cases.
Robert Day
He has been the maintainer of SIPp (the SIP performance testing tool) since 2012, responsible for both the v3.3 and v3.4 releases. Robert has started several other open-source telecoms projects, including a modern HSS targeting release 12 of the IMS specs. He is employed at Metaswitch Networks in London, where he started off working on high-performance load tools for internal testing of the VoIP servers run by the company.
Ruben Sousa
He CTO and co-founder of ITCenter, a Portuguese company focused on consulting and developing VoIP solutions based on open source technologies. 10 years of experience, starting with Asterisk and working since 2008 with OpenSER/Kamailio. Ruben is the main architect of a Digium Innovation Award winner large scale solution based on over 300 pairs of Kamailio and Asterisk deployed in the Portuguese Universities and Higher Education institutions.
Seudin Kasumovic
He is employed as a software developer at Bicom Systems, the company researches, supports and integrates innovative Open Source Telephony Projects to commercialize by unifying with its suite of Telecoms Management Software. Seudin holds Masters degree diploma in Computer Science from the University of Tuzla.
Simon Woodhead
He is founder and Managing Director of Simwood eSMS Limited, a wholesale VoIP enabler. Simwood operates a national UK IP network, VoIP stack and SS7 interconnects, all of which can be leveraged by customers using its leading API. In 1996 Simwood developed ‘eSMS’, the world’s first global gateway between the Internet and Mobile phones, enabling cross-network SMS and SMS<>e-mail. Prior to that Simon worked in finance and was the youngest qualified member of the Securities Institute at the time and through subsequent start-ups was named Barclay’s Young Business Person of the Year. No longer young he combines commercial experience with deep technical knowledge and brings a unique perspective to today’s challenges. Outside of work he has been a Mountain Rescue Team member for over 10 years and played a part in hundreds of incidents, rounding his outlook on life and shaping his approach to leadership.
Stefan Sayer
He is CTO and Co-Founder at FRAFOS GmbH. Having developed CRM systems and back-office server software, Stefan got interested in real-time communications already in the early days of SIP. Leveraging the potentials of IP based communications for value-added services through both academical research at Fraunhofer FOKUS and commercial application as lead of the media and application server division of IPTEGO GmbH, Stefan has created technologies which power some of the largest VoIP deployments today. After working as an independent consultant for VoIP carriers and telecom service providers Stefan co-founded FRAFOS GmbH, with the aim of producing turn-key telecommunication networks infrastructure based on open source technology proven and tried for years, and exploring new and innovative deployment scenarios. Since the early days of the SIP Express Media Server (SEMS), Stefan is one of the core contributors and actively supporting it on mailing lists and in other community related events, and is available for general VoIP consulting. Stefan has presented SEMS at various conferences and F/OSS related events, such as FOSDEM and LinuxTag.
Thomas Magedanz, Prof. Dr.
He is professor of the chair for Next Generation Networks (AV – Architektur der Vermittlungsknoten in German) in the electrical engineering and computer sciences faculty of the Technische Universität Berlin, Germany, where he is educating masters and PhD students in the fields of multimedia Service Delivery Platform technologies on top of converging fixed and mobile networks, Next Generation Networks, and the Future Internet. In addition, he leads the Next Generation Network Infrastructures (NGNI) Competence Center at Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS in Berlin, Germany, where he is responsible for the performance of major international R&D co-operations and related projects in the context of next generation telecommunications infrastructures. In this context he is a globally recognized pioneer of the development and delivery of advanced network and service technology testbeds and related software tools in the fields of Next Generation Networks and the emerging Future Internet for both academia and industry. Well known examples include the Open IMS Playground and the Open SOA Telco Playground.
Torrey Searle
He has been working with SIP since 2001 when he wrote his own SIP stack. For the last 6 years, Torrey has been developing and designing the VoIP network at Voxbone, a major wholesale provider of DIDs worldwide. Prior jobs include working SIP/SIMPLE development at Indigo Software and SIP Application Server at Alcatel-Lucent. Torrey is the author of Kamailio’s SIP-T module as well as a contributor to the Asterisk and JAIN-SIP projects.