Technical Workshops

sip:provider CE Workshop

Follow the instructions below if you want to actively participate in the workshop, so you’re already prepared and there is not much time lost getting the environments up and running, rather than diving into the interesting parts.

Make sure to install Virtualbox ( and Vagrant ( on your machine, and enable 64bit Virtualization in your laptop’s BIOS. Windows, Linux and OSX should be fine equally.

Also for not running into unexpected issues, you’d need at least 4GB of RAM.

Then please download the VM image from here up-front to not overload the Kamailio World’s WiFi too much (it’s ~500MB), and optionally check it against the check-sums:

To test your setup, change to the directory you downloaded the box file to and execute those two commands:

vagrant init spce
vagrant up

Once you choose your bridge interface (usually your WiFi adapter), it should properly boot into a login prompt (root/sipwise). Once you’re there, you can power the machine off, as you’re properly equipped for the workshop.