Only very few presentations accepted at Kamailio World Conference & Exhibition are not yet published. In a matters of days we should have the draft of the schedule published. It is again a good variety of topics around Kamailio and other open source VoIP applications, presenting experiences from the field, […]
From the first edition, Kamailio World tried to connect people and companies that can help each other or complement. It is quite big demand of Kamailio professionals, so if you are looking for a new opportunity on your carrier, get in touch with us and we will connect with the […]
Career & Jobs
Slightly less than two months to the start of Kamailio World 2014, the organization of the event is getting accelerated. We received plenty of interesting proposals so far, we expect to end the Call for Speakers very soon, earlier than previously announced. If you have plans to submit, you should […]
New speakers and details about several presentations
The details of the first group of accepted speakers at Kamailio World Conference & Exhibition have been published at: We are glad to have a consistent number of new speakers, with very interesting topics, blended with well known individuals in the real time communications space and presentations about widely […]
First group of accepted speakers
Registration for attending Kamailio World Conference is now open. You have the option to pay via bank transfer or using PayPal and credit cards. Proceed with the registration or read more details in the page: This year the event includes a half a day on April 2, 2014, of […]
Registration is Open
Call for speakers at the second edition of Kamailio World Conference is now open. If you are interested to present during the event, please submit your proposal via our web form in the page: At the previous edition, the number of proposals exceeded the available slots, therefore we advise […]
Call For Speakers Is Open
With a lot of dates to avoid in the next spring and being quite impossible to find a completely free of RTC events week, we decided to organize the second edition of Kamailio World during April 2-4, 2014, in the same beautiful city of Berlin, Germany. Given that Easter and […]